Project Management
Systo has trained and experienced project managers for hire. If you don't want us to deliver a complete solution to you, but have your own
resources, we can just provide project management services for you.
In a software development or implementation project, a project manager typically performs the following duties:
- Creates a project plan
A detailed project plan will be created using Microsoft Project.
- Manages the requirements definition phase and creates a requirements document
In larger projects, a business analyst will take on the facilitation of meetings and the writing
of the document.
- Designs the system or solution
In larger projects, a solution architect will take on the design process and the writing of the solution design document.
- Manages the development process
This task includes the assigment of software engineers to individual tasks and the sign-off on work products. In larger
projects where an architect is available, this architect is responsible for the development process.
- Change management
The project manager will manage requirements changes and the resulting impact on the schedule and the budget.
Typical response actions are budget increase, schedule increase or dropping requirements.
- Target/actual comparison
The project manager will monitor the project's actual progress and compare it with the plan. If there is a
variance, he will take action to correct it.
- Status reporting
The project manager will formally report the project's progress to the client on a weekly basis, along with
any issues that must be addressed.
Examples of the projects manager's deliverables to the client:
- Project Plan
- Requirements Document (Functional Specification)
- Design Document (Technical Specification)
- Weekly Status Reports
- The End Product