Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
For many companies, it has become a permanent challenge to improve the search engine ranking of their Web site and to keep that ranking.
For two major reasons, this struggle will likely even become more difficult to win:
1. Search engine "spammers" are promoting unrelated Web sites by using techniques that are generally considered inappropriate for legitimate businesses
2. Search engine providers are constantly modifying their ranking algorithms to fend off spammers
For this reason, a new profession is currently emerging: "Search Engine Optimizer"
A Search Engine Optimizer can improve the ranking on your web site in various search engines by applying certain design considerations, by selecting content
that is the most beneficial for how search engines treat your Web site and by
placing this content in places where search engines will treat it most favorably.
Systo has many years of experience in this field and generally achieves a Google page rank of 5 or higher for client sites.
However, Systo will not engage in any practice that is discouraged by search engine providers, such as
the creation of shadow domains, doorway pages, "cloaking", hidden text or hidden links and so forth.
Please visit Google's Webmasters page for an introduction to this topic, and for an explanation of the
terms used above.