Security Implementation
IT security is a topic that has traditionally been ignored by small businesses. There was no perception of an immediate threat, and there was no
perception of a significant risk. Today, even home computer users can no longer ignore the potential impact that a virus attack can have on
a single computer or a small network. The risk of days and potentially weeks of computer downtime is something that every business owner
and responsible manager must deal with today.
But addressing the virus problem alone would be negligent. Your employees will continue to open email attachments that contain malicious code,
and to install software on your computers that contain spyware, trojans and back doors.
Even today's operating systems contain security holes. Most home users don't bother fixing these holes. As a result, there are hundreds of
thousands of computers sitting out there, hooked up to a cable modem and running viruses or other software trying to brake into your system.
Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet, no one-time shot that you can take to be save for the future.
Your virus definition files must be kept up-to-date and the latest operating system patches must be installed
on a regular basis. IT security must be implemented AND managed on an ongoing basis. We can help you with both, the implementation of
a security strategy and the ongoing support to keep it effective.
Security Audits and Risk Assessment
This is a separate service offering that can be included into a comprehensive security solution.
External Network Security
We will install and configure firewalls to lock down unwanted and harmful network traffic.
Internal Network Security
We will audit the user accounts, enforce regular password changes, set appropriate network and
application permission for your user accounts. Most attacks originate from within!
Access Control
We can install access control systems, video monitoring and alerts and other commonly available
mass market security products for you. Wiring will be subcontracted to our electrician.
Virus Protection
Systo can install, configure and maintain a virus scanner in your email system and on your
employee's computers.